PalmScan AP2000 A-Scan and Pachymeter system combines the of features of PalmScan A2000 A-Scan and P2000 Pachymeter into one, multi-function A-Scan and Pachymeter device that provides surgeons with state-of-the-art tools for success with cataract surgeries – particularly with premium IOL implants.
The A2000 A-Scan system has been clinically proven to be as accurate as laser interferometer systems. It is capable of penetrating the most dense cataract eyes and features both applanation (contact) and immersion settings. The system is capable of interfacing to the K2000 Auto-Keratometer device to create a truly comprehensive biometry solution for cataract surgeons. The built-in IOL calculator simplifies the IOL selection process with the ability to enter desired IOLs.